Saturday, November 27, 2010
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Last Friday, November 26, visited with students in 4th of ESO treatment plant in Murcia Municipal Solid Waste in Cañada Hermosa, where we explained first and check later, all processes are carried out to maximize our own waste, and the advantages gained by performing the treatment.
then visited the plant for recycling of paper and corrugated, in Cobatillas. Here is the graphic testimony of the day.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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well with its function as a mirror because it has high resistance to steam and water. From the technological side, 10W speaker has a transparent interface, Wi-Fi and an operating system to store personal information such as dates, messages, email, calendar, weather, entertainment, weight and height, etc.
Source: google (Multiple pages)
Authors: Ainhoa \u200b\u200bAngulo, Paula and Jenny Ayensa Arroyo.
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Human remains were found last November 14.
On day 19, agents of the Special Intervention Group Mountain (GREIM) Civil Guard came to the collection of skeletal remains to the surface.
Early studies determined that the skeletal remains belong to eight persons, namely six men and two women, one elderly and that may be older than thirty.
At the end of proceedings, the pit was sealed by if they could determine further action by the Court of Instruction Number Two Estella, at whose disposal the police inquiries were made.
Pamplona Thursday, November 25, 2010.
More information visit our website:

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Earth? Did it take place inside our planet? Or came from space?. Have gained importance within the scientific community in recent years due to an event originated in 2001: the fall of red rain in Kerala region of India.
of rapid multiplication to temperatures above 120 degrees, to defend the theory of panspermia (life came from space).
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Ansoleaga Campana, surrounding the parish of San Saturnino, in the old town of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bthey have found fragments of Roman pottery and remains of a home which was found next to small pebbles, animal remains, ash and coal. About this home also has located a short length of 60 inches of a wall two feet wide at the top.
This information comes from the Diario de Navarra for more information go to the WWW of the Diario de Navarra.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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The study was performed to twenty patients enrolled in the Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (USA) while developing the vaccine will take place in the CUN and CIMA.
In this way, through trial assessing the efficacy of the proteins obtained by the sole of snuff, to which are personalized vaccines, which used to cost nine months to produce and thus takes place in six weeks.
personalized vaccine is made with the patient's own cells that have a protein on the surface (immunoglobulin) and after a manipulation can be used as a vaccine. This vaccine would follicular lymphoma is a type of cancer that is characterized by the growth of B cells and is very common in Spain about 5,000 cases per year in adults over 40 years.
The trial has been given to the group of Maurizio Benandi by the results obtained in 2006 with the first personalized vaccines.
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" Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race "was banned for the first time in 1993 and quickly became a classic in the field" underground. " Today is a best-seller, with editions in more than a dozen foreign languages, both accept the submission of scientific and anomalous challenging traditional ideas concerning human evolution. Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson challenged the Darwinian theory of evolution that prevails today with his pioneering work Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the human race. Dan
credibility and consistency to the fact that we are older than we were told. Say they have enough evidence to rewrite history. Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson studied all the archaeological evidence contradictory and investigated for 8 years.
spoke of Scientific Censorship against researchers who doubt or do not accept the official dogma. They found evidence that many had been virtually "buried."
I saw these videos a long time and had not yet been visited by many people, are 8 videos and more, had 15 hits in that time now have increased, but not for the person who hung up on youtube that interview had been lost over time.
There is little information on the web, but I found something on this page:
Monday, November 8, 2010
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is a free and varied for all ages, coordinated by the Department of Innovation, Business and Employment Navarra Government, through ANAIN, and nationally sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through FECYT.
You can see all the events scheduled bajándote
Weeks Program.
not miss this opportunity to learn more about science! [+ Info
Press News ]
Thursday, November 4, 2010
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Today marks a decade since the first mission that took astronauts to the Intenational Space Station.
If you want more information about the history of the ISS (acronym in English) click on the link below. [+ Info
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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the main ship, arrives first, look at the characteristics of the body and establishes a network of seismometers on the surface;
But scientists, not just observe and analyze these bodies from Earth. Last December, was released on NASA's WISE, which, to date, has discovered 19 comets and asteroids over 33,500.
Information obtained from the journal "XL Weekly" of Oct. 24.
Version: I've been looking for more current information on this mission previously mentioned, but I have not been able to find, the latest I could find was this, and any other article of 2007: