European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) recently installed the last magnet spare Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine built to simulate the conditions of Big Bang. This is lowered to the accelerator tunnel, marking the end of the repair process on the surface after the incident in September last year, why he had to stop the installation.
Thus, the magnets are connected to each other in the ground along with the new systems installed to prevent similar incidents from recurring. As announced by the CERN LHC is expected to start again next fall and run continuously until they have accumulated enough data to announce the first results.
With all magnets now underground, the tunnel work will focus on connecting the magnets together and installing new security systems, while on the surface, the teams will focus on replacement supply of spare magnets for the LHC.
The repair process of the LHC, which began operations on September 10, you can explain in three stages. First, the repair itself, which is nearing completion with the installation of the last magnet. Secondly, systems are being installed to monitor closely and ensure that LHC-like incidents do not occur in September. Finally, we are installing additional pressure valve to release the helium in a safe and controlled event that leaks occur in the LHC cryostat along the 15 or 20 years that the LHC will be operational.
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