Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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The Earth has gone through many climate changes throughout history, some not so distant in time. Several natural agents in causing external Europe of the Middle Ages warmer weather than normal, a period which was subsequently low temperatures until the middle of the nineteenth century. These studies of past climate changes could serve to clarify the current predictions about climate change. However, scientists point out that its main cause is the rapid burning of fossil fuels and, therefore, its consequences are still difficult to estimate.

a thousand years ago, Europe has enjoyed centuries of rather high average temperatures. At that time, called "Medieval Warm Period", agriculture flourished in places as Greenland, a place name in English ("Greenland" green ground) evokes the past climate. However, the evidence shows clearly that the Greenland ice sheet persisted for millions of years and that during the "Medieval Maximum" could have released a small area of \u200b\u200bthe coast. So what qualifies Manuel Vázquez Abeledo, project coordinator of the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands (IAC) and an expert on past climate changes.

This period was followed by another of lower temperatures, especially in northern areas of Europe. Although not considered an ice age as such, is known as the "little old ice. "Some experts say that this period lasted from the sixteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century. The chronicles how people during the winter skating on the frozen river Thames in London or the canals and rivers of Holland.

A group of scientists have described in the journal Science how natural changes in ocean conditions could cause these past climate changes. The fluctuations in solar luminosity and frequency of volcanic eruptions and other natural causes altered the activity of "El Niño" and "North Atlantic Oscillation. These phenomena climate are dynamic patterns that can cause changes in rainfall patterns and drought, or the activity of huracanesy are able to redistribute heat around the globe, so that an area is heated and another cooled.

The investigators found that the unusual warming period was succeeded by another feedback mechanism that science has known for years as "the effect of La Niña." One of the signers of the investigation, Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University (USA), explained that La Niña causes temperatures cooler than normal in the tropical Pacific central and eastern and drier in the Desert Southwest U.S.

The researchers reconstructed models of the Earth's surface temperature during these two historical intervals, a period some 1,500 years. The information collected on ice, tree rings and corals, among other things, served as their shows to see what climate changes occurred during those years.

Research as published in Science could be used to refine climate models to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used to predict how global warming will result in the coming years. Most of them said that the Earth will respond to the effect "The Child." Only a few models recreate the dynamics of "La Niña effect."

Manuel Vázquez Abeledo explains that historical climate changes provide a good guide to understanding what happens today. But nobody thinks that this knowledge could be used to know when will be the following. The IAC expert recalled that in nature there is almost nothing cyclical, because the relationship between cause and effect is usually non-linear and involves different mechanisms of amplification and / or damping of the relationship. "The issue is not the result of climatic changes that have occurred, something that would be impossible to pin down, but the frequency with which they have occurred and the causes that have led," says Vázquez Abeledo.

For his part, Professor Mann has pointed out that the planet's response to climate change induced by greenhouse gases could be more complicated than just warming induced by natural phenomena. In this regard, Abeledo Vázquez explained that the main cause of warming today is clear: the rapid burning of fossil fuels by human activity. Consequences on civilization are still difficult to estimate.

By studying climate changes occurred in the history of the Earth, scientists have direct measurements only from the nineteenth century. To reconstruct the past climate using various indicators that change according to the timeline under consideration. The further back in time, be more vague in both its quantitative and temporal resolution.

Scientists also know that the Earth is not the only planet with climate change. Any planet is altered, especially if they have atmosphere. The causes are similar to those produced on Earth. IAC investigator indicates that the main difference is that the earth's climate changes have not been the same if I had not had life.

Consumer Published in the December 10, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

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YouTube begins to be profitable for Google

Three years after the acquisition of YouTube by Google seems that finally the video page begins to be profitable. It implies, the director of Google Agencies Spain, José Luis López de Ayala.

Although not provide specific data, the company responsible for Finder said that "YouTube begins to establish itself as a revenue line in Google and technology costs are falling."

Since its purchase, the Mountain View company has tried every means to make income YouTube got meet the enormous costs of storage that has the portal, with thousands of videos uploaded every minute. Lately they seem to have achieved with the inclusion of ads in different formats and different agreements with producers and broadcasters.

For Spain the success of the platform is similar to other countries, something that is transferred to video tools in general. Thus, López de Ayala said that "the market in Spain rose in 2009 to 300 million euros in 'Display', coming from 284 the previous year. It's a bull market that not only grows, but grows much more than other media , which are falling. "

One reason for the surge in revenue YouTube could be the professionalization of the portal. Many companies are turning to use it as a channel for their corporate videos and advertising campaigns on all the audiovisual business-oriented. Nathalie Picquot, sales on YouTube notes that "of 20 videos watched, 17 are professionals." According to Europa Press said this would mean that 85% of videos have been posted more visited the television and production companies.

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Two years ago, Mr. Bill Gates gave a lecture to students and parents family (overprotective parents with a very spoiled children who feel they deserve everything), which outlined 11 rules are necessary but hard in real life. Gates's talk would be summarized in the following eleven hard rules: Rule One

"Life is not fair, get used to it.

Rule Two-The world will not matter self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. Rule Three-

not earn U.S. $ 5,000 per month just after he left the university and will not be a vice president with your effort until you earn both achievements. Rule Four-

If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
That it does not have tenure or patience dear. Rule Five-

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your grandparents had a different word for it: they called it opportunity.

Rule Six "If you mess up, it's not your fault parents, so do not whine about your mistakes, learn from them. Rule Seven

"Before you were born, your parents were not as boring as they are now.
They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to talk about how cool you were.
So before you begin your fight for the virgin forests contaminated by your parents' generation, start cleaning things up the way of your own life, starting with your room.

Rule Eight school may have done away with winners and losers, but in real life not.
In some schools they have abolished failing school years and give you opportunities you need to find the correct answer in your exams and your tasks are becoming easier.
That has no resemblance to real life.

Rule Nine "Life is not divided into semesters. not get summers long on off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.
all this have to do in your spare time. Rule Ten-

Television is not everyday life.
In everyday life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to work. Rule

Once-Be nice to nerds (the smartest your class.)

Chances are you'll end up working for one of them. While
are harsh rules, it is worth sharing because they are drawn from real life and experience one of the most successful business history of the world.

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World Competitiveness Ranking speeds

has made a new version of global technological competitiveness ranking. A study by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by the Business Software Alliance (BSA)

The ranking function is to create a tool to compare countries based on their ability to develop technological competitiveness. The competitiveness index examines six aspects: have an appropriate business environment, have a good technological infrastructure, human capital level, the legal framework governing the industry, having a supportive and enabling environment for Research and Development and the role that government has to promote development of the technology industry.

Rank Country Points 1 USA 2 Japan 72.7 77.4

3 South Korea 4 United Kingdom 67.2

5 Australia 67.1 66.5 65.8 Taiwan

7 Sweden 8 Denmark 65.4 64.9 64.6

9 Canada 10 Switzerland
11 Singapore 63.5 63.1 62.9 Netherlands

12 13 Finland 14 Norway 59.7 62.7

15 Ireland 16 Germany 58.6 58.2 57.5

17 New Zealand 18 France 19 Austria 55.3 55.8

20 Israel 21 Hong Kong 54.5 53.4 53.3

22 Belgium 23 Italy 24 Spain 46.1 46.4

25 (tie) Estonia 45.3
25 (tie) Portugal 27 Slovenia 44.2 45.3

29 28 Hungary 41.5 40.7 Czech Republic 40.0 Poland

30 31 (tie) Chile 39.5
31 (tie) Slovakia 39.5 38.6

33 Greece 34 Latvia 35 Lithuania 36.6 37.9

36 South Africa 37 Malaysia 33.4 34.9

38 Saudi Arabia 39 Turkey 32.5 32.3 Rumania
40 41 Thailand 31.9 32.1

Bulgaria 42 43 Brazil 31.4 31.6

44 Mexico 45 Argentina 30.4 30.0 29.1

India 46 Philippines 47 48 28.7

Russia 49 China 28.0 27.9 50 Sri Lanka 26.0

51 Colombia 52 Venezuela 25.7 25.6 25.2 Ecuador

54 53 Peru 25.1 55 Egypt 24.3

57 56 Ukraine 23.9 23.7 Indonesia 21.4

Kazakistan 58 Algeria 59 60 Pakistan 20.2 20.7

62 61 Vietnam 19.9 18.8 Azerbadjan
63 Iran 64 Nigeria 18.7 15.7

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Technology Heat

New website shows connection speeds around the world to show us that we continue to cola.

Top Countries by Download Speed

  • 1. - 23.48 Mb/s Korea, Republic of
  • 2. - 16.78 Mb/s Japan
  • 3. - 15.43 Mb/s Latvia
  • 4. - 14.93 Mb/s Aland Islands
  • 5. - 14.23 Mb/s Lithuania
  • 6. - 14.18 Mb/s Romania
  • 7. - 14.12 Mb/s Sweden
  • 8.- 13.43 Mb/s Netherlands
  • 9. - 13.10 Mb/s Bulgaria
  • 10.- 12.55 Mb/s Andorra
  • 11. - 11.33 Mb/s Moldova, Republic of
  • 12.- 10.12 Mb/s Hong Kong
  • 13. - 9.85 Mb/s Portugal
  • 14. - 9.81 Mb/s Slovakia
  • 46.- 4.78 Mb/s Spain

Top Countries by Upload Speed

  • 1. - 9.23 Mb/s Lithuania
  • 2.- 7.90 Mb/s Japan
  • 3. - 6.09 Mb/s Latvia
  • 4. - 6.05 Mb/s Bulgaria
  • 5. - 5.46 Mb/s Hong Kong
  • 6. - 5.36 Mb/s Romania
  • 7. - 5.31 Mb/s Aland Islands
  • 8.- 5.18 Mb/s Andorra
  • 9.- 5.17 Mb/s Sweden
  • 10.- 5.06 Mb/s Slovenia
  • 11. - 4.77 Mb/s Russian Federation
  • 12. - 3.53 Mb / s Moldova, Republic of
  • 13 .- 3.49 Mb / s Korea, Republic of
  • 14. - 3.40 Mb / s
  • Netherlands 99 .- 0.47 Mb / s Spain

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connection of computers as heating

On a cold, large cave beneath an Orthodox Christian cathedral, an energy firm Helsinki is developing a data center expected to become the greenest the planet. Excess temperature of hundreds of computers to be located under the Uspensky Cathedral be captured and channeled by the district heating network of the city , a piping system with water heated designed to keep homes warm in the Finnish capital.

"It is perfectly feasible that a considerable proportion of the heating in the capital may come from the thermal energy generated by computer enclosures," said Juha Sipila, project manager of Helsingin Energia. Finland and other northern European countries are using their networks fed by water as a conduit for renewable energy sources and waste capture used to heat water that is pumped through the system.

is possible that part of the heating may be caused by the heat generated by computers

The new data center computing services company Academica, which will start operations in January next year, is a way address environmental concerns generated by the expansion of the Internet as a central repository of data and processes of the world, known as the "cloud."

A big problem is that in a data center typically only between 40 and 45 percent of the energy used is for computer processes themselves, the rest is used mainly for cooling servers. Data centers like those in use Google about 1 percent of world energy , and demand for energy is growing rapidly.

Emissions of carbon dioxide data centers are located about one-third the number reported by the airlines, but are growing at around 10 percent per year and are approaching the levels of consumption of whole countries such as Argentina or the Netherlands.

addition to providing heating for households in the Finnish capital, the new computer room Uspenski use half the energy of a common data center. Its contribution to the heating network of the city be comparable to a large wind turbine , enough to heat 500 homes large. "Green is a big selling point, but equally important is the cost savings," said Pietari päivänä, commercial director of Academica.

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Fortunately and despite the health problems he has suffered, we have Jobs for awhile and it seems that we are close to another "One more thing" (a phrase which precedes on stage with a revolutionary product), and rumors suggest that it will be a multimedia device in tablet form, something like a large iPhone-in which to watch movies, read e-books and use it also as a computer more .

At Apple there is never fixed dates in the launch of new products, but seem a sweet Christmas too valuable to pass up without hitting bite. Tension breathe. If not, that I told the executive editor of The New York Times, Bill Keller, when in full speech to his audience, he happened to mention "the upcoming Apple tablet," as one of the future media in which they read daily. The 'street' still speculating about whether it was carried away by the rumor mill or actually had first-hand information. It is still unknown how it will be this new revolution, which seems clear is that, once again, Steve Jobs will be those who say what we were looking for a lifetime ... without knowing it. Genio where they are.

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In a country with 19 million mileuristas can not buy CDs for 20 euros! Little or no progress

President of the Association of Internet Users, Víctor Domingo, believes that the new government proposal concerning Internet , including the Law of Sustainable Economy infringes the rights citizens' fundamental and accuses the Government to follow the dictates of the SGAE. He also insists that file sharing is not illegal in Spain and from the Executive try to confuse public opinion by mixing the concepts of sharing and piracy. 12/13/2009

- Writing .- What is the position of the Association of Internet against the measure proposed by the Ministry of Culture?

Victor Domingo: We are and we will be very belligerent because this measure misses the rule of law and the English Constitution. Close webpages is something that falls to the judges, not the Government. We therefore believe that this initiative only seeks to criminalize box and a very important part of the population, which is very perverse. This measure had to remove it twice. And now we try to brew the night and dark, without any prior discussion and without telling the General Council of the Judiciary. It affects not only the Internet, affecting the fundamental rights of all citizens. We therefore call for immediate withdrawal and the resignation of the minister. you accept this law if only change were a judge who had the power to close sites?

Victor Domingo: This is how it works today, what happens is that no judge has closed so far no site in Spain because that file sharing is not a crime, so they have to invent a commission. They call you for sharing criminal and only follow the dictates of the SGAE. The government does nothing for the public interest. How does the meeting with the minister Thursday and Friday concentrations in different English cities?

Victor Domingo: It showed a lack of courtesy. First, the meeting should have taken place before submitting the draft, not after people already have read in the newspapers. In addition, when the minister took office, said he would meet immediately with others, and for that meeting have been necessary reach 8 months and this move seems to be conceived in darkness and night. For concentrations of last week, must be understood as a further act among many that have taken place, because this announcement is just a grain of sand. Currently there are plenty of websites sued by SGAE. Are they entitled to sue the creators revenue sharing works?

Victor Domingo: No. It is important to note that the creators do not remove a penny. I swap something with someone does not mean that I do not go shopping. The exchange has been practiced throughout life, long before the Internet. Previously recorded tapes of radio and that did not mean people do not buy the tape later. On the other hand, in a country with 19 million mileuristas can not buy CD's at 20 euros. The artists have to understand the media as an opportunity to be publicized so that people go to their concerts, but if they are heavy people are tired and do not go. In addition, Internet users are already paying the digital canon, which is arbitrary, indiscriminate and unfair because it is paid or not use the tools. If the commission alleged acts of trade, ie when makers denounce the dissemination of his works, is not declaring war between surfers and artists?

Victor Domingo: Absolutely. To find out if something will have to spy exchange, and they will do. In addition, they are confusing to the public. With no P2P download anything, just file sharing. As in other European countries like France the issue is highly regulated, is not just in Spain is regulated in some way file sharing?

Victor Domingo: The problem is that they are making people believe that sharing is piracy, and exchange is not a crime in Spain. In other countries do is more penalized but there are no private copies. Ironically, in France the Socialists are trying to challenge this law of Sarkozy and the Socialists are here to promote it. This shows that is not a party issue, but there is something else behind.

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Windows Phone

for 92% of Internet Information Society in Spain do not advance or delayed. 39% believed that progress and those who believe that delayed progress account for 53%. These are among the findings of Study III the Association of Internet on the "perception of the quality of broadband access has brought together more than 50,000 responses.

14-12-2009 - Continue down the percentage of users who considers the information society proceeds apace, only 2.8% from 4.33% in 2008, which in turn had already registered a drop of five points over 2007.

The reasons are abundantly clear to the surfers who participated in the study, about 5 points, to 4.48% identified the cost of telecommunications in Spain, 4.22% lack of investment in networks, funding equipment and digital literacy with 2.97% and 2.98%, respectively.

The crisis has become more demanding users. With few exceptions all operators backwards in the valuation of the Internet makes them also back the perceived quality and even price which reaches critical assessment not only more expensive operators but also to those who until now enjoyed a better users' perceptions.

Finally, after the widespread devaluation observed in 2008, although improvement between 7.7% and 18% of users' perceptions of the role played in the development of the Company information by the central government (2.93), autonomic (2.79), who manage to get out of the relegation zone; Exchange Commission of Telecommunications (2.96), operators (3.18) and associations users (3.64). Yet the general perception on the situation in which we find ourselves, indicates that Internet users see the forest as the government seeks to hide behind the smoke of colors.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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come the first phones with Windows Mobile 6.5

We had to wait several months to attend the launch of the first devices that are preinstalled on new Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system from Microsoft. The Redmond, perhaps envious of Android, have created a new name for the phones that carry this software: Are the Windows Phone.
The release date of the first Windows phone terminals is 6 October. There are already several manufacturers such as LG, Toshiba and HTC have incorporated the new Microsoft OS on their handset. In Spain, the first Windows phone come from the hand of Orange and Vodafone.

For years, Windows Mobile has been discussed between maintaining a "Windows" to attract users tekkies recalcitrant or jump to an interface that was more similar to that of conventional mobile and therefore could attract a wider audience wide. Finally, the Windows Mobile version 6.5 seems be the one that has made that leap, with a much more striking visual aspect and a system of menus and widgets friendly touch screens.

However, the main novelty is that the Windows Phone has built-in implementing Windows Marketplace, a download service applications that try to copy the success of the App Store from Apple, or Nokia OVI Store Android Market store.

download applications sent, but not the only novelty. Windows Mobile also includes other exciting things like MyPhone, a free service to synchronize and store data online to supplement the classic synchronization system Active Sync. It also improves compatibility with the standard Adobe Flash Lite in the browser. The new software also improves the access to social networks like Facebook or MySpace.



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Questions about the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley"

What majors are mentioned throughout the movie?

  • IBM

Where installed the first Apple headquarters?

there any misconception in the leadership of Xerox? Comment

What does Bill Gates deal with IBM and what do you think was your best idea on it?

What brand were the first PC that came with Windows?

gives an opinion on the two central characters in the film.

Wikipedia Find information about what to do now the four central characters in the film

Make a personal comment about the movie.

What is the difference between the work done by the team of Steve and the team performing the Bill?

Do teams disintegrate or be retained by the fame? 2 hits

mentions of Steve Jobs to achieve fame (builds on what we have seen in the film).

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The Pirates of Silicon Valley

Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) is an unauthorized docudrama written and directed by Martyn Burke. Based on the book Fire in the Valley: The Making of a Personal Computer by Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine. This film documents the rise of the personal computer through the rivalry between Apple Computer (Apple II, Apple Lisa and Apple Macintosh) and Microsoft (MITS Altair, DOS, IBM PC, and Windows).

The central story of the film begins in the early 70's, and ends in 1985, with a toast to the birthday of Steve Jobs, shortly before being fired from Apple Computer by teammate John Sculley.

Story Structure
Starting on the campus of the UCB (University of California, Berkeley) during the Free Speech Movement, the film juxtaposes the plight of friends Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle) and Steve Wozniak (Joey Slotnick), who form Apple Computer, and students of Harvard, Bill Gates (Anthony Michael Hall), Steve Ballmer (John Di Maggio) and the friend of Gates, Paul Allen (Josh Hopkins), who create Microsoft.

Gates, Jobs and Wozniak leave the university (Jobs was actually a student of Reed College for a short period, but this is not documented in the film; Wozniak then return to the UCB) to take part in the growth of the personal computer revolution. The film is told from the point of view of Wozniak and Ballmer.

Quotes from the movie

* We are here to make a point in the universe. Otherwise, why be here? We are creating a completely new knowledge, as an artist or a poet. This is how you have to think this. We are re-writing the history of human thought with what we are doing. - Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle), during the filming of the famous 1984 television commercial.
* You know, Steve was never like us, he always saw things differently. Even being in Berkeley, seeing something I just saw kilobytes or circuit boards, as he saw karma or the meaning of the universe. - Steve Wozniak (Joey Slotnick) describing Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle).
* We're better than you ... (Silence) have better products. - Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle) talking to Bill Gates (Anthony Michael Hall).
* Do not you see, Steve? It does not matter. - Gates response to the preceding sentence.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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'Tiger' Woods, "assaulted by his wife before the accident?

Little is known about the private life Woods, until he suffered on Friday a traffic accident near his Florida mansion.

'Tiger' crashed his Cadillac into a tree and a fire hydrant. The blow knocked him unconscious. Most striking is that when police found him, Tiger had a split lip, bruises and scratches on his face, apparently produced before the accident. In addition, the vehicle had damaged the rear.
According to the website TMZ, the wife of Tiger, Eli Nordegren Woods said that the blows on the back windshield had produced herself with a golf club to try to get the Cadillac Woods.

However, this and other U.S. media talk about the possibility that the golfer had been assaulted by his wife after she discovered that Tiger had an 'affair' with a model and television producer named Rachel Uchitel. Uchitel has denied these rumors but has traveled to Los Angeles to meet with attorney Gloria Allred, specializing in such cases.

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The creator of the first iPhone virus, contracted to develop 'software'

The hacker that managed to develop the first virus for the Apple phone and 'infected' thousands of phones with a picture of Rick Astley, has been hired by Mogeneration, an Australian company that develops' software '.

Ashley Towns intended to "wake people up a bit", according to ABC radio when the worm spread. The virus was not malicious and even gave the keys to disable the affected users.

Now, the hacker 21 years devoted their time to develop applications for the phone that got infected with the wallpaper of the singer from the 80's.
An expert in security firm Sophos says the BBC "leaving the impression that has been rewarded for this, but did not say he is sorry for his actions."

"It's ironic that users of iPhones that have not been 'hacked' can now be seen using applications whose code has been written by a virus writer. "

Saturday, November 21, 2009

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the Hadron Collider

The particle accelerator at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has restarted after 14 months repairs as a result of severe damage occurring within days of it working. "Particle beams are again circulating in the particle accelerator powerful in the world, "reported a press release issued on the website of CERN.
CERN has started to work again at 21.00 GMT, a story that was described as a" milestone "in view of the Great Hadron Collider (LHC) will operate at full capacity, presumably in early 2010. When this happens the LCH is expected to produce hundreds of millions of frontal collisions of particles to near light speed. "It is fantastic to see the beam (of protons) circulating in the LHC again, "said the director general of CERN, Rolf-Dieter Heuer. Heuer noted that much remains to be done but stresses that this milestone are in the right direction.
helium leak
In September 2008, CERN scientists achieved amid a great celebration, a proton beam for the first time gave way around the accelerator, and shortly after I did another beam in the opposite direction .
But ten days later, a short and a helium leak caused a serious breakdown which led to costly and complicated repairs, not without incident, like a piece of bread dropped a bird in early November on electrical transformer outside the accelerator, and that nearly paralyze the process again.
However, following the launch of new LCH, Scientists hope that these situations do not recur. "The LHC is a machine much better understood than it was last year," said the director of the accelerators of CERN, Steve Myers. "We learned from our experience and developed technology that allows us to move forward. This is how it progresses," Myers emphasized.
If the evidence made the first proton beams around the accelerator ring will do well, it will progressively increase the power. Before Christmas, CERN scientists will witness the first collisions, an event for which, CERN has already said "not invite the press, and that only you will notice a statement.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Reptile Vs. Mammal Respiration


The hole in the ozone layer is recovering gradually, but the pace is much slower than was estimated some years ago by the international scientific community. According to latest estimates, the thickness of the protective layer of the Earth from ultraviolet radiation levels will not recover to pre-80's, when detected broken until the period 2060-2075 . On day 16 marked the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, sponsored by United Nations under the theme Universal participation : Ozone Protection unifies the world . This day commemorates the signing on the same date in 1987 the Montreal Protocol and was proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1994.

The hole in the ozone layer is not so, in reality, but a marked loss of thickness and protective ability of the mantle. Discovered around 1980 and identified the causative substances, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons present in many pressure sprays of chemicals, the international community decided to take corrective action. Thus was born the Montreal Protocol in 1987 to accelerate the elimination of these substances and other compounds that cause ozone depletion.

Experts agree that the Montreal Protocol has achieved its objectives in good measure, are no longer issued CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances warming, but time spent by these compounds in the atmosphere is very long and the effects as delivered before 1987 will endure even decades.

State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) said that the recovery of ozone levels prior to the 80 will not be nearly complete by 2050, and even take longer in the Antarctic area, where it was not until 2060-2075. In the next twenty years will continue to form ozone holes of similar intensity to that of previous years.

austral spring

The process is repeated every year. With the arrival of the southern spring begins the destruction of ozone over Antarctica. During the winter in the stratosphere reach very low temperatures (below -78 ° C). These temperatures are needed to build the so-called polar stratospheric clouds. On its surface chemical reactions that destroy generate stratospheric ozone in the presence of sunlight and ozone depleting substances, acting as catalysts for the reactions.

why ozone destruction begins at the beginning of spring, as sunlight begins to influence again in polar latitudes.

The hole in the ozone layer reached its maximum extent on record in 2006, 29 million square kilometers, an area larger than North America, and 2008 was the fourth year in number and extent of ozone destroyed since 1999. This year, preliminary data show that ozone depletion has begun earlier than usual.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ultimate I Spy Arrows


Yes, finally came the awaited holiday .... It's time to do other activities other than those of every day, like taking a small bathroom from time to time, taking some beer, read a recent bestseller ... In short, it is to break the routine of the course and try to enjoy every moment because it may seem far, September is just around the corner ....

For if you want to know where to go this summer ...... as how no, I'll stop by the Campus Party in Valencia, among other things .... Meanwhile, let it rest to blog ....


Saturday, June 13, 2009

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search for extraterrestrial life

Teachers and students in their final years of the School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT) of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) are finished building the first radio telescope in Spain fully developed human and technological resources of a public university.

is a device that is expected, even after the end of participation in the international Search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) whose mission is to search for possible extraterrestrial radio signals that have an artificial origin.

professor at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), José Luis Gómez Tornero, says the device can study celestial objects and astrophysical phenomena by measuring the emission of electromagnetic radiation, but its main purpose will be to disseminate the technology that makes possible to design and implementation, and the discipline of radio astronomy, including students, teachers and general public.

The telescope developed by the UPCT have a limited capacity, with a three-antenna meters in diameter "is not intended to compete with the big professional teams, which can have an antenna 60 meters in diameter."

The telescope, you can pick up signals in the area of \u200b\u200bthe galaxy in which Earth is located, the Milky Way, has been developed over the past four years. The unit is finished, failing to assemble the various component parts to be assembled in its final position in the UPCT observatory is scheduled to open next summer after the roof of the Support Services Technology Research ( SAIT) located in the Plaza del Hospital, on campus Muralla del Mar.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

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European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) recently installed the last magnet spare Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine built to simulate the conditions of Big Bang. This is lowered to the accelerator tunnel, marking the end of the repair process on the surface after the incident in September last year, why he had to stop the installation.

Thus, the magnets are connected to each other in the ground along with the new systems installed to prevent similar incidents from recurring. As announced by the CERN LHC is expected to start again next fall and run continuously until they have accumulated enough data to announce the first results.

With all magnets now underground, the tunnel work will focus on connecting the magnets together and installing new security systems, while on the surface, the teams will focus on replacement supply of spare magnets for the LHC.

The repair process of the LHC, which began operations on September 10, you can explain in three stages. First, the repair itself, which is nearing completion with the installation of the last magnet. Secondly, systems are being installed to monitor closely and ensure that LHC-like incidents do not occur in September. Finally, we are installing additional pressure valve to release the helium in a safe and controlled event that leaks occur in the LHC cryostat along the 15 or 20 years that the LHC will be operational.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Brownies Uniform Patch Placement

the farthest object in the Universe

U.S. The Swift satellite recorded a flash left by a massive explosion of a dying star, located at 13,000 million light years from Earth.

This satellite is designed to detect that kind of gamma ray bursts.

The Swift detected on April 23 gamma-ray explosion 10 seconds long in the constellation Leo.

Then the ground-based telescopes astronomers turned to the same place in heaven and managed to get a picture of radiance languished.

A member of the international team that investigated the event, Edo Berger, said the event is a sign that in this we find in the universe with stars that exploded just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. "

"The star is so far away that their light has taken almost the entire age of the universe to reach Earth," said the correspondent, Fioa Werge.

Werge added that the explosion shown in the photograph as a patch of light. He was captured by the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii.

Scientists say the blast was caused by the collapse of a massive star that exploded at the end of his life.

"It is believed that when the light began its journey, the universe was only several hundred million years, in spatial terms means that it was in its infancy," said Werge.

Because light moves at finite speed, looking at the distance of the universe means back in time.

Experts estimate that the first stars were formed when the universe was between 200 and 400 million years.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Install Stereo On Jon Boat


Building width band that provides the ADSL connection, you can visit many pages on the Internet based on audiovisual content. I recently discovered a website that places special emphasis on educational content. I recommend a look, as there are documentaries of all kinds, including mathematics content. Here you have the address:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sample Of Company Aniversary Program

in a room and that all available power devices without connecting to the power supply may be a reality in the medium term. Researchers working on technology that, as happens with mobile phones or wireless Internet connections, can transport energy without wires.

portable devices like mobile phones, MP3 players and computers that do not require chargers or batteries to operate, as they could be recharged from a distance, are a dream can come true few years. To do this, scientists are working on technologies that open the door to energy management, using theories developed in the nineteenth and early twentieth century by Nicolas Tesla.

Based on the concepts developed by Tesla, a group of researchers the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) led by André Marin Soljacic Hurse and have some experiments to conduct electricity without wireless. One of the first experiments carried out has kept a lamp lit 60-watt to two meters from the nearest socket.

transport of electricity is done by creating a magnetic field between two sources built with copper coils, one connected to a power source and the other to the device. Thus, MRI is achieved by the two sources vibrate at the same frequency and energy exchange between them without affecting other devices or objects nearby.

The method is to induce electricity through a physical phenomenon known as resonance: All objects have a resonance frequency, and if two objects vibrate at the same frequency, the energy of vibration increases.

power transfer takes place within the space bounded by the coils, without it being dissipated out of this space. In addition, other objects located within the space between the coils with a different vibration frequency is not affected by magnetic resonance and the energy released. Soljacic and his group say that the power dissipation is less than other systems that use radio waves or laser. According to proponents, the system (for now) only lost 50% of the energy reversed. The inventors have named this technology "WiTricity" or "WiTricity" by the union of the English words "wireless" and "electricity."

many years remain on the market for devices that exploit this technology, but their applications may be implemented in many areas, both business, and industrial and household users. However, it still must consider the potential health effects, although in principle there is no indication of danger. The reason for their low hazard to health lies in contrast to microwave ovens that emit high-frequency power electromagnetically, that this technology emits low-frequency power, which are not harmful or affect people even though they are located within its range. However, like other technologies that work on low power, such as mobile phones, many previous studies are needed before final marketing. Extracted from

Friday, March 13, 2009

Brown Discharge When I Go Pee

This weekend will open enrollment period for Murcia Lan Party 2009. This time the target dates are 15 to 19 April in the Palacio de los Deportes de Murcia. From the experience of other issues, places often sell within a few days, so it is recommended that you register as soon as possible. The price this year is 30 € overall enrollment, and 70 € with catering ranging from dinner the first day to breakfast on the last. For more information, visit .

is also the period within which the Campus Party 2009 in Valencia. It is the largest gathering of its kind conducted in Spain and one of the largest in the world, both by the number of participants and the deployment of activities. In this edition, the campus returns to its roots, ie the complex will be held in the City of Arts and Sciences. Dates from 27 July to 2 August. During those days, 4500 "buffs" will enjoy an exceptional bandwidth for both Internet and intranet for the macro. Prices for this year range from € 95 for general registration is at 180 € with catering. The organization, as always, have enabled parking spaces, camping, leisure, ... etc. To get an idea about this year's Campus, you can make a virtual tour of her this video

Friday, February 27, 2009

Implantation Bleeding And Tissue


students 4 of ESO and Bachillerato along with Professors Daniel, Alberto M. and John M. Mascarell visited Calblanque Natural Park, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila, a very attractive place for anyone have interest in nature. The importance of biodiversity, and the presence of numerous endemic flora, allowing its declaration as a Natural Park in 1992, and proposed as a Biosphere Reserve with UNESCO in January 2007.

is very difficult to summarize a day of beautiful experiences around the park .... but not impossible. From everything we saw, with emphasis on fossil dunes, coves and cliffs, the majestic rock of the fountain, overlooking the entire park, the juniper or cypress Cartagena default (the only stronghold of this species in Europe), palm hearts , with wild, variety of birds, ecosystems of wadis, dunes, beaches ... Although we could not visit because of lack of time, the salt of Rasall, Professor Alberto M. made us aware of the proposed recovery takes place here, an endangered fish, the fartet, endemic to the southeast of Spain.

After visiting the park, we moved to the Mount of the Ashes, and while we were walking the climb seemed interminable (all thought to come and start eating), the effort was worth it: the guns of the military, large caliber, and the scenery visible from above, is indescribably beautiful.

To end of the day, after coming down the Mount of the Ashes, followed a Roman road that led us to the bay of Portman. There we could see the great ecological disaster that was years ago, to the discharge of waste from the mining industry in the area, mainly French company Peñarroya. They threw around 7000 tons per day of sewage contamination, up to an estimated 315 million tons of waste. An outrage, a disgrace to the political leaders of the time, and, to paraphrase Einstein, further proof of the infinite human stupidity.

As Alberto said upon arrival to school, worst of the whole trip was that it ended. By the way .... Does anybody want a sandwich for dinner?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Please Join Us To Farewell


Tonight I have learned, almost by accident, the existence of a website dedicated to the world of music, allowing you to search for any group or singer, and heard through the internet and unbeatable quality. Here you have the link, but I think that in order to log-in needed an invitation. I'll see if I get mine!.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Need For Speed Carbon No-cd


Again Murcia will host the National Science Olympiad. On 14 February the University of Murcia will host its fourth consecutive year of this championship test. The participants, a total of 30 secondary students from 10 institutes in Spain, visit our region for 4 days. These young talents of national science must overcome an experimental test proposed by a multidisciplinary team of physicists, chemists and biologists as a preliminary to its classification within the "European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO), which will face the teams selected by 25 countries of the European Union this year will be held in the city of Potsdam (Germany). This edition will also be an excellent opportunity for the University of Murcia and the coordinators of the Olympics in order to pave the way for future European International Olympiad (EUSO 2009) which will be held in Murcia.

For more information:

Friday, January 23, 2009

Difference Between Pms And Pregnancy Breast


Time and win free Entertainment: How about a quick game of chess against another netizen? Hundreds of games can hang out on the Web without spending money buying programs. In the funniest, users compete against others in different settings, from galactic battles to manage a professional football team.

online games are characterized by simpler graphics than conventional PC or consoles. However, they can be just as entertaining with the added advantage that many of them are designed to be enjoyed with others online. For this reason, presenting with Often a chat annex which reflect the impact of the competition.

This type of web applications are loaded in the browser using the user without installing any software. To do this, the simplest use flash technology while more elaborate opt for Java or Shockwave. Before starting the game, often have clear instructions of the keys to be used by the player, including display of training to learn the management before taking action.

games tend to be clustered in specific sites which are classified by genre ("arcade" racing, board-like chess, adventure, puzzles, card games, sports, quizzes and answers, etc.). In addition, these sites are developed lists of the most successful ones among visitors, a fact that helps new users. Some of the content of this type are popular Yahoo! Games, Pogo, Zylom, Addicting Games,,, or Popcap

These sites usually offer the possibility to buy and download programs to your computer and enjoy them without an Internet connection. The abundance of games in the Red has caused even specialized search engines exist in such content, as GameCurry. A fun touch!. Extracted