In this technological age when any appliance is integrated into microchips, from appliances to credit cards or traffic lights. Many people are unaware that through these small component, now age 50, life is more comfortable. The first microchip, or integrated circuit, was developed at Texas Instruments (TI), a company that is responsible for developing and commercializing technology semiconductor and computer
, by Jack Kilby used the September 12, 1958. The new invention was formed by a strip of germanium with one transistor and other components all glued it on a glass plate.

Kilby has recently joined the company in July of that year and his role was to try to solve problems on how to connect electronic components to make circuits in an efficient and effective. The new employee, who did not leave for a newcomer to the company, he realized that all components could be made with the same semi-conducting material, at the time Germanium, Silicon is currently used, and create a complete circuit causing the integrated circuit or microchip. His invention revolutionized measuring 11.5 millimeters electronic market and in a few years the world. Internet would be unthinkable without this invention. The world of communications, transportation or medicine, which are renewed every so often taking devices or mechanisms that are able to improve their quality, effectiveness and thus make life easier for users, thanks to the extraordinary power of microchips. Jim Tully, head of research group Gartner, consultant in charge of solving complex technology companies, said integrated circuit (or microchip) are "so involved in our lives that would be hard to imagine life without them. The microchip is the engine of the information age", as shown in The Times in remarks by otr / press.
CHEAP, low power consumption and is easy to replace During this year, the semiconductor company will produce more than 267 billion integrated circuits. Gartner expects this number to increase to 330 billion by 2012. Over the years, microchips have become much smaller, but the real revolution has arrived with the significant increase in the number of transistors that now can be integrated on a chip. In the late 60's microchips containing hundreds of transistors contained in the 80 thousands. Intel, the world leader in manufacturing of microchips, has discovered this year, a microprocessor chip that gave the name 'Tukwila' having the ability to integrate more than 2 billion microscopic transistors. The key to the success of this small component is the low cost of manufacture, as the materials that form are printed as a unit. Likewise, these components consume very little power and are easily replaceable.
News 12/09/200820: 01h
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