The new terminal will be developed by Samsung and the aim is, in the words of Isabel Aguilera, CEO of Google in Spain, "access to information and expand the information society the less developed economy. " The company wants the phone to be free, as it aims to subsidize the advertising called geo-referenced, which is nothing else to offer an ad or another depending on the geographic location where the user is located.
This new product is in line with Google's goal of universal information and meet the needs of people worldwide. In this sense Isabel Aguilera pointed out that although "there may be products that may seem strange, all part of our innovation process."
So far we only know that the company is working on the issue, but has not revealed anything about the release date, nor on what the main technological features. What is certain is that the iPhone already has a rival that promises to be at its height.
This new product is in line with Google's goal of universal information and meet the needs of people worldwide. In this sense Isabel Aguilera pointed out that although "there may be products that may seem strange, all part of our innovation process."
So far we only know that the company is working on the issue, but has not revealed anything about the release date, nor on what the main technological features. What is certain is that the iPhone already has a rival that promises to be at its height.
U.S. giant Google announced on Tuesday the launch of its 'smart phone' ('smartphone') Nexus One, an initiative to expand its powerful brand Internet to the prosperous area of \u200b\u200bmobile telephony. According
specializing in technology blog Gizmodo, citing information leaked, the Nexus One will cost $ 530 "unlocked"-not subject to a specific provider telephony-, and $ 180 with a two-year contract with T-Mobile, subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG. "ecodiario.eleconomista.es/espana/noticias/1810131/01/10/El-Google-phone-sera-lanzado-el-martes."
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