Building a city with zero emissions in Abu Dhabi.
According to an article published this week in Technology Review, a city being built in Abu Dhabi serve as evidence of large-scale renewable energy.
already begun under the desert climate of Abu Dhabi to build a city that will house 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses, but will have an extremely small power consumption and the little that used to come from renewable energy sources . The first building is a new research institute that the founders hope will become the seed of a new Silicon Valley in the Middle East, but focused on renewable energy sources rather than information technology.
The city, which is expected to cost 22,000 million dollars, will implement a set of technologies, including thin-film solar panels that act as facades and roofing materials of buildings, sensors to monitor energy consumption and drive vehicles powered by batteries that will make cars unnecessary. In fact, its founders hope to serve as a testing ground for a myriad of new technologies proposed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
The new zero-emission city, which is being built near the city of Abu Dhabi, in the center of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is part of the Masdar Initiative, a program investment of 15,000 million dollars, funded by the state and designed, in part, to ensure that the prosperity of the UAE does not depend solely on oil. According to its leaders, this project will give the country a leader in renewable energy. If successful, said Sultan al Jaber, Masdar CEO, "we will be leading the world."
Designing the city from scratch has several advantages. About half the cost of solar energy for the labor and installation materials. In Masdar, the thin film solar cells can be incorporated directly into the facades buildings to replace other conventional building materials, reducing the cost of solar energy. The energy needed for cooling is reduced by controlling the orientation and design of buildings, streets and parks of the city to strike a balance between sun and shade, and to promote natural air circulation.
The transport energy is also reduced. Effective electric transportation will provide a home service: the user simply enter the destination address and transport will pick up where you are and will automatically take you to your destination. Energy drive will come from renewable energy sources will be stored onboard in batteries.
water consumption kept to a minimum, reducing the energy needed for desalination, and a series of sensors around the city to inform residents about their energy consumption, so you have to pay extra money if they make a binge.
the city's designers predict that improvements in efficiency will result in a 75% reduction in energy consumption compared to a conventional city the same size.
SOURCE: Technology Review
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