Friday, March 25, 2011

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Radiation Fukushima-1 travel the world in about two or three weeks now

radiation would be harmful to human health, but ... Fukushima, Japan's media reported, its emergence raises Grade 6 (Grade 6 is almost the highest point in the international scale of nuclear accidents)

The radiation from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima-1, following the earthquake that two weeks shook northeastern Japan, where it is located, could turn the world into two or three weeks, as reported by the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Organization (CTBTO).

Just a week after the earthquake, the radiation levels California had risen in the U.S. west coast, and on Tuesday they had reached Iceland radioactive particles.

Following this pattern, sources quoted by Kyodo CTBTO have indicated that in the coming days Fukushima pollution come from European countries and that a margin of two to three weeks will have traveled across the globe, but without prejudice to human health.

Referring to the situation in China, the commission, which has 63 observation posts around the world, has indicated that in Takasaki, located in Gunma prefecture (center), the levels of radioactivity are still high, while predicted to remain so for long.

Japan's regional neighbors have expressed concern that this disaster affect the environment Asia, however, both the International Agency for Atomic Energy and Nuclear Safety Agency Japan have ruled this.

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Fukushima radiation

Ahora la radiación de Fukushima llegó a Finlandia

contamination does not pose a health risk. Radiaciactivo iodine particles were detected at stations in Helsinki and Rovaniemi. Thus joins Hawaii, USA and Iceland.

Authority Radiation and Nuclear Safety in Finland (STUK) announced today that they have detected particles of radioactive iodine from Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima at two monitoring stations in Helsinki and Rovaniemi (Lapland).

According to Finnish nuclear agency, the quantities of iodine-131 isotope detected are so small (less than a milibecquerelio per cubic meter of air) that poses no health risk.

"The concentration of particles should be at least a million times to make it necessary to take some action," those responsible for STUK said in a statement.

The Finnish nuclear safety experts believe that the radioactive cloud from the center of Fukushima, damaged on June 11 by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, ending spreading throughout the northern hemisphere will have an effect but harmless to health.

to date have detected small amounts of radioactive contamination in Hawaii, at various points on the west coast of the United States and Canada, Iceland and Finland.

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came to Finland to prohibit children tap water in Tokyo for radioactivity discovered in Antarctica

The governor of the prefecture of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara told the people that there is no immediate health danger, but the advice is precautionary. (Getty Images) The Government instructed

Wednesday to the inhabitants of the capital that do not give tap water to children under one year due to radioactive contamination caused by leaks at the plant in Fukushima, whose situation remains "very serious" after the quake and tsunami, according to control agency of the UN.

Meanwhile, the dead rise to 9,523 by the earthquake and tsunami and 16,094 people missing, police said.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided to supply the homes with young children with 240,000 bottles of water.

A spokesman for the prefecture of Tokyo said it was detected in drinking water level of 210 becquerels per liter of radioactive iodine 131, a level too high for infants above 100 becquerels allowed, while for older children and adults the maximum level is 300 becquerels.

However, the governor of the prefecture of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara told the people that there is no immediate health danger, but the advice is precautionary.

The expert from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Andrew Graham said at a news conference in Vienna that "the overall situation still gives us cause for considerable concern."

According to the IAEA, the reactor 3 of Fukushima I can not be provided electrical machinery, while Japan announced the restoration of electricity in the reactor 3.

In this block, which contains plutonium, rose a column of black smoke that forced the workers to leave the area of \u200b\u200breactors 3 and 4, although the authorities did not provide information, she noted Elena Buglova IAEA.

Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, today banned two districts near the central Fukushima selling vegetables and unpasteurized milk, while the farmers demanded that the Minister of Agriculture, Michihiko Kano, compensation for losses caused by the prohibition of selling dairy products.

The authorities found high levels of radioactivity in eleven types of agricultural products from Fukushima Prefecture, including broccoli and cabbage.

Motomiya In the city, 60 miles west of the nuclear plant, the Health Ministry said radioactive cesium was detected at levels 164 times above the allowable in a plant called "kukitachina."

The Ministry also detected radioactive iodine in parsley, raw milk and mustard plant in Ibaraki prefecture, while in Iitate, 40 kilometers from the Fukushima plant was also detected in the soil pollution.

The sale of spinach and vegetable "Kakina" from Fukushima and three other towns still prohibited from Monday.

The danger is that the radioactive iodine is set by the thyroid and may cause cancer risk.

Presidential spokesman Yukio Edan, warned people not to buy bottled water in bulk, because it is one of the goods most needed in areas affected by the earthquake of 8.9 on the Richter scale and the tsunami with waves ten meters, from March 11. The government admitted

have measured high levels of radioactivity outside the evacuation zone 20 kilometers established around the damaged nuclear Fukushima I, however, decided not to extend the evacuation zone of 20 kilometers but recommended keeping the windows closed.

The company operates in Fukushima, TEPCO, applied for a loan of 1.5 trillion yen, equivalent to 18,500 million dollars at major banks in the country to address the effects of accidents on the nuclear plant.

The Japanese government reported that damage from the disaster exceeded 300 billion dollars, up from the data of the Kobe earthquake in 1995.

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a radiation-resistant organism

Chilean Antarctic Institute today released the results of its latest issue Scientific highlights including a finding related to paleontology and climate change.

addition of antioxidants and radiation-resistant organisms, bacilli were located living in extreme environments, microorganisms that live without light, bacteria that could improve the production of antibiotics and fossils that illuminate the green past the white continent. All these were some of the topics discussed by the participants of the expedition, the "largest organized so far by Chile.

researcher at the University of Georgia, Jenny Blamey, revealed that in his opinion, was the most telling finding: the "Deinococcus" a microorganism capable of withstanding the radiation emitted during the nuclear disaster, the most harmful to living organisms. "It's a very important discovery because this organism is capable of withstanding 5,000 times more radiation than any other and it does not happen mutations," he said.

addition, a paleontologist at the University of Concepción, Marcelo Leppe, drew connections between the Patagonian and Antarctic territories, spaces that hide a "paleontological treasure" and explaining the general history of the time when they disappeared dinosaurs, the Cretaceous. He added that, in his view, could Chilean Patagonia set up a "Cretaceous Park", an area "unique giant" for the creation of sustainable tourism. "What is not known, is destroyed. The best way to protect these areas is to make them known," he said.

"There are 28 countries that conduct research in Antarctica. Of those 28 programs, 15 entrants Punta Arenas, ie more than 50%. That allows us to rely on foreign support and foreign Antarctic support programs," said Inach director, José Retana. He added that "there is no Antarctica, but several, as the" last "continent has temperatures ranging between 5 degrees positive and 90 negative. "Antarctica is like another planet. Having it so close is an exciting challenge for the Chileans" he said.

The last continent has an environmental variety that has allowed the acquisition of "valuable" information on more than 200 microorganisms "unique", "who have never been studied," said Jenny Blamey. The tests yielded findings related to biocomposites with antioxidant properties, "very important to women," he joked, because of its ability to generate rejuvenating and protective properties against ultraviolet sun rays.

The study, which lasted more than four months and in 2010 completed 34 projects, was the participation of 124 researchers, with 56% of studies conducted in partnership with other countries, as detailed scientists during a press conference.

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Low self-esteem promotes prejudice against other

When people feel bad about themselves, are more likely to be prejudiced against people who are different. This is the shattering conclusion of a new study that seems to come to confirm an old idea of \u200b\u200bthe folk wisdom of that view on others flaws, real or imagined, it serves as consolation for our own.

Jeffrey Sherman (University of California at Davis) and Thomas Allen used the Association Test Implicit (IAT for its acronym in English) (a task designed to assess automatic reactions of people to words and / or images) to investigate the veracity of this belief.

order to expose the prejudices of the study subjects, perhaps not consciously made by them, these people were asked to observe a computer screen while she appeared in a number of positive words, negative words and images of people's faces white or color. In the first part of the test, participants were asked to press "E" to see black faces and negative words, and the key "I" to see white faces or words positive.

In the second task, the rules were reversed, so that this time the participants had to associate positive words with the faces of color, and negative words with white faces.

determine prejudice by the IAT test is quite simple: If the individual has negative thoughts about people of color, it should be harder the second task.

This should be even more so when the person feels bad about herself.

In their experiment, Sherman and Allen asked participants to answer 12 questions in difficulties which require creative thinking. No one did more than two correct answers. A about half of the participants were given the outcome of their responses to the test and were told that the average correct answers of other participants was nine, so you feel bad about themselves. The other half were told that their responses to the test would be evaluated later. Then all participants underwent the IAT test, and, as expected, those who felt bad about themselves for their test results showed further evidence be boasting prejudice against others.

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The rotten egg smell evokes the origin of life

A new NASA-funded study shows how a chemical that smells like rotten eggs - hydrogen sulfide - may have played a role in the formation of life on Earth. The study's authors decided to revisit the old test tube classic experiments conducted in the 1950's by Stanley Miller, a graduate student at the University of Chicago.

The team analyzed samples from a variant of the experiment in 1958 in which Miller used carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gases in the mixture. The results were "lost" for decades because, for unknown reasons, Miller never reported the analysis of results.

"Stanley told us several of us who hated to work with hydrogen sulfide because it smelled so bad and tends to make you fall ill, "said Jeffrey Bada, of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego, who was a graduate student of Miller and author of the new study.

The review team has discovered that the old tube experiment created sulfur-containing amino acids, the first synthesis of a prebiotic simulation environment, according to team members, produces a large scale.

The results provide clues the roles that volcanic emissions - which are a natural source of hydrogen sulfide - may have played in producing the first organic compounds on our planet, NASA reported.

The picture shows the original box containing the samples stored by Stanley Miller in 1958. The label shows Miller's original script: p 114 refers to his notebook.

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The wind speed and the waves have increased by 10% in 25 years


wind speed and wave size increased progressively across the globe up to 10 percent in the last quarter century, according to a study released today by Australian scientists.

The expert team of Swinburne University in Melbourne, led by Ian Young, based its analysis on data on winds and waves picked up by satellite, between 1985 and 2008.

Young, ocean engineering specialist, told ABC radio that the most significant changes occurred during extreme conditions, especially in areas near the poles.

There, the wind speed rose by 10 percent between 1985 and 2008 or a rate of 0.5 percent annually, while the size of the waves grew by seven percent.

The average wind speed in most of the oceans increased by 0.25 percent annually, although in the southern hemisphere this increase in extreme conditions, was 0.75 percent.

Australian scientist Alexander Babanina, co-author, said it was unclear whether changes in wind speed and wave height are linked to climate change.

"What we can say is that there is a general trend, but if you extrapolate this in the future must be done carefully," said the expert, who emphasized that these variables must be considered when studying weather.

"When we talk about the weather, usually talk about the changes in temperature, precipitation, but rarely mention the wind and waves," said Babanina.

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Only 10 countries carried almost all patents in the ocean

Una especialista en genómica, en el Parque Científico de la Cartuja de Sevilla. | Julio Muñoz/Efe

A specialist in genomics, Science Park of La Cartuja in Seville. if you want marine waters courts. "These statistics are drawn from a study involving researchers from the CSIC, which publishes the journal Science.

The article, coordinated by a researcher at the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea , reflects the need to develop an international framework to ensure a "ethical and equitable access" to marine genetic resources, "especially in international waters, which account for 65% of the ocean surface.

As indicated by the CSIC, main reason for this imbalance is access to the technology, both for marine exploration to exploitation genetic resources. Only 31 of the 194 countries of the world have applied for patents on genes sea. "The data show that should be encouraged countries that have no access to these technologies to develop these capabilities," said one of the authors of the study, Jesus Maria Arrieta, CSIC researcher at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Study.

also propose the creation of a patent pool of marine organisms taken in international waters, in your opinion, should be controlled by an international agency that also regulate the distribution of benefits.

The study published "Science" is included in "Malaspina 2010", an interdisciplinary project led by the CSIC.

"pioneering exploration of genomic diversity of the ocean that are taking place in 'Malaspina' throw the discovery of millions of new genes. The framework of Wild West in a few countries which are appropriated through patents, biological resources of the ocean does not seem ethical or acceptable. Do not want to operate with rules of the game that does not seem ethical, "said Carlos Duarte CSIC scientist, one of the authors of this paper.


So scientists urge that these resources be proclaimed marine Common Heritage of Mankind, a recognition that they do have the mineral resources of the ocean.
Both the protection of biodiversity as the ownership of biological resources within the territorial waters of each country are defined in the Convention on Biological Diversity, but outside the territorial waters there is no universally accepted legal framework.

In October 2010, the Conference on Biological Diversity United Nations, held in the Japanese city of Nagoya, laid the groundwork for establishing a protocol to improve access to marine genetic resources and the benefits generated from its use.

Despite this progress, the CSIC regrets that no agreement was reached because "there are countries in favor of protecting these resources and others prefer to maintain the 'self exploitation'."

addition, CSIC considered "difficult" to define what species it belongs to each country, "because it involves setting a property on something moving inside and outside territorial waters."

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The Earth's mantle remains inaccessible to science for 50 years

This spring marks fifty years since the first scientific project to sample the Earth's mantle, the layer of Earth located between 30 and 60 kilometers beneath the continents, a border that science has yet to achieve.

Coinciding with the anniversary, a group of scientists presented in the latest issue of the journal Nature an ambitious plan to drill the ocean floor to reach the mantle, an aspiration that estimate will be realized within a decade .
In the ocean floor, the crust is only 6 kilometers thick, which facilitates access to the mantle, a layer that extends 2,890 miles into the depths, to reach the Earth's core.

"Getting samples from the mantle would be a treasure comparable to the lunar rocks brought by the Apollo missions," say the scientists behind the project, Damon Teagle, University of Southampton (United Kingdom) and Benoît Ildefonso, the University of Montpellier 2 (France).

The researchers hope that the samples will help to advance knowledge about the origin and evolution of the planet but so far, his goal has proven to be even more difficult to travel to the moon.

A greater depth than men have managed to get so far is two miles below the crust, ie, only one third of the way that scientists need to descend.

The idea of \u200b\u200breaching the Earth's mantle first emerged in 1957 when a group of American Geographers Mohole devised the project, an attempt to match the space race with a race to the center of the Earth.

started drilling in 1961 the bark at a point near the coast of Guadalupe Island (Mexico), but could not exceed 183 meters in depth.

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Six months in space = neck pain

But I never could have imagined the response to Nancy Broden Douglas Wheelock in a recent # NASATweetup to the question of which body part is more "injured" after six months in space: "The neck. No need to keep your head up in space. "
In addition to STS-120 mission aboard Discovery, Doug Wheelock was on board the International Space Station as flight engineer of Expedition 24 and then as commander of Expedition 25 from the June 17, 2010 until his return to land on 26 November of that year.

More details of that # NASATweetup and Wheelock's comments on NASA Tweetup: @ Astro_Wheels Rocket Star, you can follow on Twitter at @ Astro_Wheels.

(tweeted by @ NASA).

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nap is written in our genes?

as Celtiberian
That custom (Hispanic yoga, called him the Nobel Prize Camilo José Cela) which is the siesta may be written in our genes.
From dawn until noon, the temperature of our body increases. From 12 am to 3 pm, however, the agency experienced a small drop in temperature accompanied by some drowsiness.
has been speculated that these responses are due to the need to cool the brain, which (like the rest of the body) heat has accumulated throughout the morning. The brain therefore becomes inefficient and has developed mechanisms to work again for the rest of the day, such as self-induced sleep and the cessation of activity, as this contributes to a decrease in heat production by the body and, consequently, a decrease in temperature. Just today one thinks that one of the functions of sleep may be to cool the brain, overloaded by the work to which it is subjected during the day. For Justin Blau, Laboratory of Genetics, Rockefeller University, New York, the only thing that is clear is that there is a natural bias in the human circadian rhythm sleep in the afternoon, "but that does not mean you have to sleep. " According to this expert, the nap makes biological sense, especially in hot climates, where animals spend much energy trying to be fresh while they are active during most of the day.

For Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Sáez, Sleep Unit of Clinical Neurophysiology Service General Hospital of Vigo, the nap is natural and necessary and recommended for everyone, with few exceptions.

A study on the effects of the siesta in industrialized countries revealed that 92.5% of workers, a nap after eating increased productivity, creativity and ability to solve problems. That is, not only work harder but better.
Of course, addicted to napping, beware: that this dream is truly repair, the nap should be limited to 10 or 15 minutes. That is, the average time it takes the light sleep before entering deep sleep or REM sleep.
And it is this first type of dream (the surface) that seems more efficient and able to meet the needs of heat loss through the body. The other type of deep sleep, that is known as REM sleep or REM sleep, produces deep relaxation of all muscles of the body and a disconnection from the world around us, which leads to awaken a long recovery from the reality of and surrounding muscle tone.
In the U.S., scientists like Dr. William A. Anthony, director of the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University (USA), argue that the siesta is becoming a common practice. Intended that companies should be taken seriously and incorporated nap lounges where workers can recharge their batteries.

far, there has already achieved a National Day of Napping at Work, which was held for the first time, April 3, USA.

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The brain makes decisions 200 milliseconds before we know it

Canary tries to unravel the mysteries of how our gray matter

When a person believes he has made a decision, your brain actually made before it has been realized. Gray matter triggers the response mechanism to make a determination between 200 and 300 milliseconds before we are aware of it, says Professor of Basic Psychology at the University of La Laguna Manuel de Vega. With this explanation, the espcial you give an example of the importance of studying the human brain, a very complex object that defines us as human beings as largely "we are our brains."
El cerebro toma las decisiones 200 milisegundos antes de que lo sepamos The brain makes decisions based on all the "history" of the person, from birth to the culturally acquired, and awareness of the decision comes after I have decided that the brain's neuronal machinery, says Manuel de Vega, director of the project Neurocog. This is a project of the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society, which is funded by the European Union Feder and nearly one hundred researchers of the two Canarian universities develop lines of work related brain's cognitive functions.

language, personality and emotion
The study of the brain is made from neuroscience, which is "one of the great scientific disciplines" of this century, in the words of Manuel de Vega, who noted that the ability to thought, memory, language , personality, emotion and interaction with the environment are working brain. From cognitive neuroscience is to understand the relationship between brain activity and functions such as attention, memory or language. The brain "us", and human bodies while others are important, that is "special."

Neurocog The project examines issues such as the neurological basis of maternal insensitivity to infant signals, pre-linguistic development of deaf children with implants deep cluck, neurochemistry and neuroimaging of sensory integration, or both language processes in healthy subjects and patients brain. Another working group addresses the neuropsychological assessment of childhood diseases, while others focus on bioinformatics applications of neurophysiological phenomena, and others do in neurobiology imagined movement and rehabilitation of motor disorders.

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A retro piano made tormented cats

In 1650, the Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher Germany first described in his book 'Musurgia universalis, sive ars magna et dissoni Consoni' (Universal Production Music, or the great work of consonant and dissonant) piano called cats (katzenklavier, in German), a kind of musical instrument dying with the animal welfare today would have taken the lead hands, putting the fuss.

The piano in question was an adaptation of the mechanism for swinging strings, instead of wires banging tune, stung (or stretched) tails of kittens, conveniently locked in small cages and arranged according to the tone of his meows pain. The kittens came to cover an octave, usually, but pianos are recorded at least eight cats with feline and others, with up to sixteen (two octaves of pure ordeal). Piano de gatos
The instrument was also described in the seventeenth century by composer and expert writer on musical subjects Weckerlin Jean-Baptiste in his book 'Musiciana, extraits d'ouvrages rare ou bizarre' (Musiciana, descriptions of rare or unusual inventions.) According to this good man, when the King of Spain, Philip II of Austria was in Brussels in 1549, visiting his father, Emperor Charles V of Germany (Carlos I of Spain), both were amazed by a street procession totally unique. What struck them most was a float that carried the most extraordinary music imaginable. A bear playing an organ instead of tubes, mounted sixteen small cats, his body locked up, whose tails, tied, appeared to be played as the strings of a piano. Pressing a key on the keyboard, the corresponding queue suffered a tremendous stretch, producing a howl unfortunate, but very well toned.

This type of piano was also reviewed by the German physician and psychoanalyst Johann Christian Reil in the sixteenth century. This individual suggested the use of cat piano to treat patients who had lost the ability to focus their attention, that is, suffering from what is known as attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, or ADHD. Reil believed that if these patients are forced to see and hear this instrument, it would inevitably capture their attention and be cured. All a medical treatise of the infamous and vile liked both doctors of the time.

not really know who was the creator of so miserable invention, nor is it certain that at some point in history to build a piano of this nature. What is striking is the contempt for animal life and suffering that was taken at a certain moment in history by those who called themselves rational. Athanasius Kircher, in his letter mentioned above, says that in order to raise the spirits of an Italian prince burdened by the concerns of his office, a court musician created for him a cat piano, assuming that His Majesty heal him of his grief, for "what not help but to laugh, and music?" he said. It is said that in this way was as the prince left his melancholy. Clearly, eight cats tortured until exhaustion help lift the spirits of anyone (anyone who is a son of a bitch as the birthplace and lineage).

The study of professional animation The People's Republic Of Animation launched in 2009 his film 'The cat piano', a short film that tells the story of a city of cats whose singers are abducted by a human being to make a piano cats. The play received several awards and a preselection nominations for the Oscar for best animation, which later failed.

Remember, every time you read this post, God kills a kitten. Neither the very Domo-kun is so fucking with michos impoverishment. You know.

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And now, intersex

Los Intersexuales forman una minoría basada en el placer corporal. BBC explores who make up this sexual minority, in Colombia and other Latin American countries, have joined the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The United States began to speak of intersex in the 90's.
few years ago, the acronym Defining LGBT-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender "has become part of popular slang when talking about sexual minorities in Latin America.

But a few days ago, in a public speech during the presentation of cultural calls made by the government of Colombia, the director of the Heritage Institute, Gabriel Pardo, spoke of the LGBTI community.
What defines I to be added to the acronym? "A intersex," replies the BBC Víctor Manuel Rodríguez, who is part of a group called "I'm not that."

Rodriguez says, and in Colombia I added them to the LGBT, Argentina and Brazil was added Q, which means queer (defined as unusual in appearance or character). Transit

According to him, who holds a doctorate in visual and cultural studies, intersex "is a form of travel for pleasure", a topic about which there was talk in the early years 90 in the United States.
"We understand intersexuality as a defense of the queer. This is to destabilize the existing categories and not thinking about sexuality based on gender," says Rodriguez.
The artist Paul says the BBC that the intersex "experience bodily pleasure" and stressed that this can not see it as bounded to the genital.
"The simple act of licking the feet or certain objects is part of intersexuality, Adarme adds another member of" I'm not that. "

During the interview, Rodriguez, Adarme, Leonardo Candelo and "Martha" costumes posed with "sado".
Rodriguez says that "sadomasochism is a practice of intersex, but not all are so closely related as there are other visual elements and shapes, as the worship of the feet and odors. "
For its part," Martha "he told BBC that" the fact of wearing masks allows sexuality to focus on playing a specific material such as leather , lycra, metal, rubber or latex.
And Candelo believes that "it is a mistake to believe that sexuality is a widespread, because each sex is related to the individual psyche"
"I think there are so many sexual genders as human beings. "Skepticism
Sadomasochism is one of the practices of intersex.
Some experts
look with some skepticism the subject. One is the psychologist Miguel Rueda, who teaches a course on diversity and LGBT community in the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota. According
Rueda, the term intersex "is ambiguous" and relates it to the old name of hermaphroditism.
"Criticism intersex is coming to very epistemological, questionable, because when translated, people want and fits like a concept may end up being light," Rueda says the BBC.
Rodriguez agrees that the term is ambiguous, but argues that recognized and is tremendously interesting. "

He concludes that "the rarity is also an ethical and there are no homosexuals heterosexual rare rare

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found traces of older Americans

Artefactos de los primeros americanos

Artifacts of Texas site, called Debra L Friedkin, are made of flint and are small, suggesting to researchers that they would be prepared to take with lightweight tools from one place to another comfortably, a kind of campaign team. The site is near stream that has water all year round and a place where there is abundant flint, and it would be a good place chosen by a group of prehistoric people to manufacture the tools they need.
The vast majority of the 15,528 pieces of stone flakes are recovered and studied, which is to make hitting the stone tools in the points needed to tease out a cutting edge. But there are a dozen bifaces and some cutters, a total of fifty finished artifacts. Serve to work on bone, wood or ivory and skins for cutting or processing.

"In Debra L Friedkin found evidences early human occupation 2,500 years before the Clovis people, making the site in the oldest archaeological site in Texas credible and North America, and is important in the debate about the timing of the colonization of America and the origins of Clovis, "said Michael R. Water (University of Texas A & M), team leader of the discoverer, who has worked in this field since 2006.

The new pieces, dated between 13,200 and 15,500 years have appeared in the reservoir level below the known remains of Clovis, and specialists, studying each other, claim that the latter developed techniques of the first conferring characteristics to their tools and weapons. This cultural evolution would solve one problem of the thesis has been defending the American pioneers clovis, and who have not found those specific technological features in Northeast Asia, making it difficult to associate human culture to travel through this territory. In the light of new findings, these tools would be an evolution Clovis those which were manufactured in America.

recalled in Science Researchers already have found some traces preclovis in several places, but they were too few to establish conclusions.

hand axes a million years ago in India
a reservoir in South India that has been explored intermittently since 1863, have now been found stone tools of the Acheulean technological style of doing, at least a million years. Are 70 hand-axes and another 3,500 artifacts such Acheulean quartzite which originated in Africa about a million and a half years and spread throughout Eurasia. The discovery, presented in the journal Science helps us to understand migration patterns of ancient humans from southern Asia and Indonesia. Attirampakkam The site is called, is in Tamil Nadu and was discovered by the British geologist Bruce Foote.

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lithic tools of more than 1 million years in India it cost

discovered in southeastern India stone tools at least a million years. Style 3500 Acheulean tools found in a place called Attirampakkam in Kortallayar River Basin.
were dated between 1.07 million years and some up to 1.77 million years. Among the hundreds of Acheulean tools were discovered 76 typical handaxe Acheulean in Africa is from 1.6 million years ago.
download The study was published in Science. Imply that Homo erectus came out earlier than thought in Africa, as an author, archaeologist Shanti Pappu, Sharma Centre for Heritage Education in Tamil Nadu.

"Acheulean toolmakers were clearly present in South Asia more than 1 million years ago," said Pappu. Before tools had been discovered in India, but with poor dated. No hominid fossils have been found associated with stone remains.

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a human body? Reliable sources

The bodies are often subjected to an illegal claim, but there is also a trade with medical and research purposes. Head, kidneys, corneas, elbows and tendons are priced

Thanks to the body that left at death, medicine has made great strides. What would future doctors without the morgue? Countless findings are due to the study of cadavers. Unfortunately, this demand often generates a black market that is based on theft and profit.
But not everything is underground. A study published by CNBC reveals in this case in the United States, a legal trade in human body parts for companies that receive voluntary donations and sell them to laboratories and hospitals for medical research and testing.

For example, a backbone will be used to test orthopedic implant costs about $ 900, while the hands and forearms for hard practice surgical techniques, cost about $ 400. The shoulders are more expensive -500 - as packaged for sale is a bit more difficult.

heart, useful to test operations and launch new surgical techniques before practicing with the living, costs $ 500.

corneal transplantation may return sight to many people and this explains its high price: $ 6,000 per pair. surgeons also appreciate the kidneys and other internal organs that allow them to test operations. The price varies between 300 and 500 dollars.

a whole human head is priced at $ 6,000. Fits plastic and orthopedic surgeons to practice new techniques.

It is useful for neurosurgeons brain that it can test the removal of a tumor, for example: $ 600.

Orthopedists also value the knees and other joints to practice non-invasive surgical techniques. Each ball is worth $ 650.

Tendons are also used in orthopedics to replace damaged and that explains the price: U.S. $ 1000 each.

Human bones can also be ground to make into a paste that is used in periodontal surgery. Nothing is lost, everything changes.

From the legal standpoint, the law is still somewhat lagging behind practice. The

bodybrokers (stockists of bodies, although it sounds ugly) to set up businesses in the United States to sell body parts for medical and education are still not subject to comprehensive supervision to ensure the legal acquisition of the goods they sell. Yes

are inspected human tissue banks in this case by the Food and Drug Administration to certify that they are free of disease.

Gradually, there will to be regulating this "trade" which, considering its subject matter and purpose, warrants an important control, both to ensure that there is no crime and to maintain reasonable costs.

The lure of profit is strong if we think of a single body, obviously depending on how much you have to use, can be obtained between 10 thousand and 100 thousand dollars.

Restaurant With Paper Bag Hats Funny Sayings

was wasting time in one of those moments when you let go of a link to another and just reading the most unexpected things on the page of any enlightened, when I went to call at a so websites that provide "indisputable evidence" hidden under a thousand bolts of treacherous governments and international conspiracies.

However, what has attracted my attention was the end of the note, where the author provides very new evidence that confirm the veracity of this discovery, and the plots of Turkish and U.S. governments to hide.

I quote:

"a cable is revealed by Wikileaks reveal a conspiracy to prevent the discovery had leaked to the general. Turkey did not want to have a place of pilgrimage for Christians, so that at all times cooperated with the U.S. government for the recovery and removal of the ark into U.S. territory. To meet this plan must first discredit all the work related to the search of the ark, is preventing access to the area by imposing the maximum possible red tape and banning those sampler remains that may still remain after the removal of the ark in 1968 and secret transfer thereof to a U.S. location to be determined. " Do you go sounding story?. Yes, the sources of this individual will be well known by the friends of Science and His Demons, and the magnificent picture filtered by the U.S. Secret Service and "circulated on the Internet a few years ago." Those who fail to remember, you can click on the image to contrast the "original source" of such well-documented article (essential to check the publication date).

The original article can be read in
Delirium Gotthic

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yellow Mercadito morbid Mexican Children

You trade is part of misfortunes? If no, we started well. few days ago a friend of mine had a domestic accident in his garage, the date is still struggling to heal and his body was recovered at a painfully slow pace, his wife immediately did what he had to do: call emergencies, without But he did not expect with the hordes arrive ambulance patrols of reporters, photographers and more.

paraméndigos assumed to be the first to take action there, but it was not, were the police! while reporters were divided its work, while some attacked the family with questions others took photographs of the poor unfortunate who had fallen.

The first questions are rather obvious what happened here? "I was doing, sir? etc. then begin to take a look a bit strange: you drink alcohol? Do you smoke? Do you have problems at work?

what if you smoke or have problems? Mrs. responds the best you can, then you will realize that if her husband is a beer on the weekends is no reason to answer "yes take," that even though we all have problems should not answer "yes had some problems" would that was a mistake.

The circus continues, ask questions even from people who go are not neighbors or live there ... what information can provide? Finally we all go to the hospital, there are more important things to do than think about what will come in the newspaper. Soon, the periodicazo. According to the newspaper:
- The man was alcoholic and was drunk
- A witness said "followed by screams could be heard in this house" which suggests that besides kicker was drunk.
- I had problems and had attempted suicide previously

Do me a favor fucked! Where do you take so much bullshit bastards?

All these fallacies are also seasoned with gruesome photos showing the poor man at the worst moments of his life, bleeding, beaten and bruised.

How do we bequeath to allow the media "news" we do this?

course if you stick to the truth there would be nothing "entertaining" to report a common family man common work in an accident and goes home to a hospital, everything has a simple and logical explanation, the man had some problems (who does not) and even the cries of the children have explained (put children to play and how long they have in absolute silence) but again, that would not be interesting.

important thing is to sell. Originally

work was to inform, but what is reported now? concerned these days have the means to quickly locate and inform family and friends what happened, what hospital is, under what conditions is found, etc.

What does finding out beating the entire city from the disgrace of a person if 99% of the same city do not know?

This is just to buy the newspaper and hear news on the radio and you realize the market has become the news media, talk of shootings, rapes, crashes, accidents and other great detail (many of which people will not confirm) what hospital were transferred etc. Has occurred in assassination attempts of criminals end up finishing in the hospital, and how they learned? By the media!

Then ask

"The common people are interested to know what happened, what hospital are you? "At common
people is useful to know if it was a fall, if someone is 36 or 9 shot stabbed?
why many people never sought pictures of these people in health and yet would like to see in photos beaten, injured, maimed or killed?
Is it normal that we have come to this?

When we go down the street and see an accident the reaction of the majority is inevitable, to stretch neck to see what happened, some stopping to look flat, others go their way but after a while buy the newspaper to know what happened and have to talk about, no matter who the victim, it is important to "be aware." For this

behavior has a name: MORBO

behavior is exploiting the police publications, while the foster.

I wish nobody had to go through the pain of seeing in the paper to a relative or friend being exposed disgraced and defamed but the truth is that while people will keep buying, will persist.

And if you are of those who are "finding out what happened" to see an accident, if you like publications or sections of the police, indeed, if you're curious to wonder how the accident occurred more quenches your curiosity as you are working with this problem. Term

asking again: Are you a of the trade of misfortunes?

Fotos Desnudos De Paty Nadad

Recently I read that the FMF (Mexican Football Federation) during the month of April will use for the Premier League a commemorative ball to support the fight against childhood obesity, which is applauded and I think there are more institutions should join the cause, but as it is now against obesity, I know that is against ignorance. What is done against the lack of interest in class or simply go to school just because their parents send us?

In one of those moments when we saw the television mention a mathematical operation, the sum of 75 + 40, did not mention the result and the first thing I did was ask the child who is 11 and is in 6th grade. After thinking about 20 seconds I answered: 105!

HECF Here comes the first: how the hell took so long to make this operation and besides all bad answer? In my time at school gave you 5 seconds to respond and if we did not like fools we were taken apart if you answered back sent to the corner and make flat with the same operation and the correct result.

When passing the afternoon we went back to ask the same question (75 + 40) which again takes over 10 seconds to respond and now he says: 110! The kid does not happen to her that a sum involving two numbers, one ending in "0" and another that ends in "5", the result can not end in "0." Then came the second HECF. Already to finish, is absolutely amazed when I discover it functions of television and I knew that the equipment to, ask him about the Transformers movie and I know that almost all the names of the robots. Meet the television programming of cartoons, he moves up and down the Play Station and games happening much faster than I, finally, in the case of games, TV and phones, the child knows. But simple math knows absolutely nothing, which leads me to wonder: What happened to the education system in Mexico?

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Pollution Visual pollution Visual vs. Seguro Popular

In the sky, walls, poles, in the face of a baby or in the melon-colored trucks, live stimuli advertising that although we have not chosen to look or move sideways, the authors 'intellectual' if they decide that they are there, blocking the horizon, hiding the architectural, invading public space. The case of the spectacular urban and propaganda have a difference of the other paraphernalia mercadológica, one enough to have some freedom to be able to change channels to start the trade penalties and gape in another reality show, turn off the radio, buy or not the newspaper and to some extent, although not as aware, decide what you want and not eating as well as their circumstances and purposes. It is well known that the Reader's Digest is more than a magazine fundamental part of the digestion of its readers and the only offers an excellent glass cleaner.

Not so with illuminated signs or with outrageous ads are there, huge, not enough to overshadow anyone, unable to cool the menopausal lady is fanning desperately waiting for the truck. And it seems they are paradotes blatantly insinuating that we are shortsighted authorities unable to capture other media and trying to become strabismic every hundred yards which is a new one, when the rules say there must be a separation of at least 500 meters between each of these hulks.
The person who can see but not hear is much more angst than you can hear but not see. That is more characteristic of the big city. The interpersonal relationships of the inhabitants of large cities are characterized by a much greater emphasis on the use of eyes in the ears. Is this a symptom of social strabismus, progressively caused visual pollution that worries. It is interesting that the same Senate tried unsuccessfully to ban in the country every vestige of visual pollution, to meet the novelty of this type of pollution affects the nervous system, causes stress, headaches, attention deficit disorder and aggressiveness and even bad mood. It also generates urban disorder, accidents, difficulty in travel, impoverishes the picture of the place, dangerous distraction (especially for motorists), ecological problems (to break the ecological balance away some species.)

enough pressure is already one or another Christian to reach the sky so that it still clogged with advertising, however, that this crowded airspace slogans and labels, haunt us by the neck and in the spring of pants. This bombing is not just commercial sponsorship of our headaches but also the precarious perception people have of the city and its elements: flocks of birds that are going to sleep, that were flowered jacaranda and especially with so much visual stimulus and the invisibility of others that also roam there with a reciting phone numbers and catchy jingles. The look is a real social achievement, eye contact allow the establishment of intimacy and trust, the exchange is the most sincere look, as it allows access to only part of the man who never lies, the windows of the soul, tired eyes, red, swollen and dusty from the crowd walking around the city.
In so gelatin, vegetating in line at the bank can walk the only sense that comes and goes, goes and retrieves (Always outside the body), images and impacts many more meters away that the hearing and smell. Reinstating the string of waste in the dream life and nerve of existence, returning to dream and to doubt the deformities and sketches of what we have not fallen into account. Genetically, the human being is made to live to 10 kph, the speed of the bikes and not 80, 60 or 110. "Einstein realized the fastest speed of light, going on foot, while in fact thousands of miles of line, the broker Alain Proust only saw a flurry of landscape, 40 times more crude and boring than one can perceive a paseadita bike. The senses of perception and therefore of civilization, are designed to operate at speeds between 5 and 15 mph, when walking and running, at that speed you can see, hear, feel and reason with detail and care what happens around while at higher speeds these skills atrophy, and no longer can see more than packages, rather than hear noises, feel more than dizziness, but no details, interesting and beautiful. " Just yesterday cities
clear, undisturbed, devoid of advertising wallpaper, trains and taxis rushing invited to contemplate the landscape, shooting and rambling plot ideas with the possibilities of the future sitting on a bench accompanied by a slight bustle of talks distant chimes of ice cream and hardened newsboys. Places have been lost, as amended purposes and speeches of the same, but has decreased the sense of wonder and appreciation of the life course.

can not be sat there thinking, it is impossible to enjoy the ride, the senses are on strike, delaying the sensations, anesthetizing the ability to remember this moment, blunting the body with foreign connections. Sensory deprivation appears to fall like a curse on the most modern buildings, the dullness, monotony and sterility touch that afflicts the urban environment. The problem of deprivation Sensory has broader causes and historical origins deeper than the professional failure of planners and architects.

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not consider urgently cancer

Hello friends because I want to tell my story to take precautions, major expenses insurance contract or something.

On Thursday March 17 at night I realized I had a testicle hard and bigger, as I have no social security or economic resources tell the Seguro Popular, I went to the following Sunday, sent me an ultrasound and I detected a tumor in the right testicle.
Return Wednesday 23 with the general practitioner Seguro Popular for me for a referral to the specialist but I said to my general practitioner if they quote me out quite a while and take my case because it is urgent cancer, so they gave me a paper with him I have to go to the hospital Civil emergency to try to meet me ASAP.

at admission and after waiting 40 minutes in an empty room nurse comes and tells me in the emergency room do not see that I see him in the hospital as cancer and an egg to explode is not urgent, but hey .

Once inside go to the file to make me an appointment and I say that because they give me urgent within 4 months, Do me a favor fucked! and that's just for I checked, I do not even think how long it takes to get tested and operated.

said in social service can not do anything and the only urologist, because there is only one for all the town where I live that is in Irapuato, Guanajuato. Well the only urologist said to be inflexible and strict appointments. Private physicians already fucking charge me for the surgery only 20 thousand pesos approx. More laboratory tests and the resulting postoperative chemotherapy I would imagine so.

I have no fifth and my 31 years I am condemned to die for this tumor, aided by the inefficiency of this health system which serves only to colds and fevers, believed that cancer is not an emergency. Ojala

to publish my story so that the kids take precautions, greetings.

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And one more for machismo

'm regular reader of this page but I've never discussed anything like the way things flow on this site. I am a veterinarian and tell them that it is always a joke to find chamba, the advantage is that I am a man and had better acceptance in order for customers but that's not what I try, what brought me here is the post
"My husband"
and mostly anything related to the comments.
I know we all fart and that this girl who wrote the post go to the mound, obviously if you had the courage to go public as less serious than leave him, to follow in such a situation, now that everyone is going to make the decision that best enough, but what I did say PLEASE MAKE ME THE Fucking were comments that came out. "Oh please wash" or "ahhh he needs a good fuck", etc, etc. I assume that those who read this page is to relax and also reflect the reality in which we live and think as we do to avoid falling into the same mistakes. Open a post of corruption and all the damn government said as it's fucked up, open up a post of narcos and all we are against violence they generate, but we talked about a woman who has problems with a jerk and the first thing they say is that is a fool.

And where does all this because of click machismo that we still have, I do not deny I've been encouraged by the culture we have in many ways and try not to take advantage of this, there are times when failure and others in which follo but in general I take a humane treatment of women around me. I can not understand that people try to think better and make these kinds of judgments, how fucked live years?
In any case, I write these words as to the experiences of people close I realize that Mexico is caught by the ass for the simple reason of his machismo. And to cut a longer story on this will stop, think that they have daughters the same or worse can be treated if they have sisters, mothers, aunts, etc. Would you like to be treated equally pendejas even have kept a home for themselves?
Women, if they are mothers or sisters put in place the bastards with the living, men have arms and hands to do things for ourselves, you are not maids and otherwise promotes and largely the machismo that surrounds us.

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My husband

finally dare to tell my story macabre, because I know as I there are many women out there who may feel as I do now. Seeking
vent because if I do I will end up being like one of those women murderers, that while I filled the glass stone bummer suddenly grabbed her husband, haha.

It turns out that the greatest love of my husband is her computer .... in the office's happening in your compu and when he comes home looking rather be living with me and my 4 month old daughter because he goes straight to the computer to play with his buddies and that he spends about 3 or 4 hours.
At home as usual it does not help, the asshole of his wife osease me because apart from working the same hours of work that therefore have to sweep, mop, laundry, dusting, making meals, care of the child and take care of him.

I'm not a white dove, I have my flaws and sometimes I get so furious at his fucking attitude of students who yell and that's when I get the bastard that he prefers the goddamn computer, that because she does not walk in bad or shit all the fucking time.

The asshole still feel that living with her parents and that this meeting go to work 8 or more hours a day and then is free to get to play all night. Think that having been crushed in the office all day and then drive home and fulfilled all its obligations. I say, because your fucking friends and the computer does not have the face you shit or scream, but you do not eat, you wash clothes and keep you! AAHH because that is why I have a much better pay that and my salary goes to pay the rent of the house, the car allowance. The car that boasts as his own with his friends and "friends" when in fact I'm the one who bought it before we got married, but as they feel the masters of all that his wife has since assuming a hat walks outside . Also, my salary goes to pay the credit card for groceries and basic services while all his salary goes to a debt that the click was achieved by crashing a car and not the superman believe everything behind the wheel.

Now go mad at me because they must be thinking I'm an ungrateful bitch, that makes me grateful that according to the company and is supporting me with our daughter and that helps me sweep once or twice a month. Well fuck your mother! Best single mother, so at least I'm caring for a single person who really depend on me, instead of having to care for my daughter and be keeping up a platoon piche down by three ...

'm very angry, but thank you very much for giving me this space to vent, really needed this. Chingonas women above that apart from working in the office, work at home and care for our children we to endure leeches as my husband.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How To Do Laundry With Herpes

Solarball, another mini solar water treatment

Solarball is the limit proposed by Jonathan Liow, an industrial design student at Monash University (Australia). A device capable of producing solar up to three liters of drinking water a day that reminds us of popular Watercone or SWAT, similar devices already introduced in Ison21.

The plastic sphere absorbs sunlight and makes dirty water in it evaporates, leaving behind impurities. The evaporated water condenses inside the area and stored in an inner shell and ready for consumption.

design has addressed the durability of plastic-material must withstand daily exposure to the sun without breaking. Because of its water treatment capacity (About three liters a day) would require at least a couple of Solarballs per person.

Robaid reports: "Solarball was a finalist in the James Dyson Awards 2011 and will also be presented at the International Design Fair in Milan in April 2011."

Posted by: / Red / Agencies, 24/03/2011, 11:52 h research and development projects with the aim of reducing environmental pollution. should improve public transport to encourage people to use this service instead of using their own cars.
We should save energy. There are many things we can do everyday to help preserve the environment, and have a living more harmonious with nature. All that is required is a small change in daily behavior.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Robaxin Stay In Your System

how we can combat acid rain?

This is the title of an article published in the Diario de Navarra today and that has to do with the topic we are studying at this time.
As you see, if you read the article, our dependence on energy from external to us is great. Moreover, these energies are non-renewable fossil fuels and contaminants. Although we are a community leader in the development of renewable energies, mainly wind power, we have a long way travel to reach self-sufficiency ... almost. Read the article

clicking here