contamination does not pose a health risk. Radiaciactivo iodine particles were detected at stations in Helsinki and Rovaniemi. Thus joins Hawaii, USA and Iceland.
Authority Radiation and Nuclear Safety in Finland (STUK) announced today that they have detected particles of radioactive iodine from Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima at two monitoring stations in Helsinki and Rovaniemi (Lapland).
According to Finnish nuclear agency, the quantities of iodine-131 isotope detected are so small (less than a milibecquerelio per cubic meter of air) that poses no health risk.
"The concentration of particles should be at least a million times to make it necessary to take some action," those responsible for STUK said in a statement.
The Finnish nuclear safety experts believe that the radioactive cloud from the center of Fukushima, damaged on June 11 by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, ending spreading throughout the northern hemisphere will have an effect but harmless to health.
to date have detected small amounts of radioactive contamination in Hawaii, at various points on the west coast of the United States and Canada, Iceland and Finland.
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