Recently I read that the FMF (Mexican Football Federation) during the month of April will use for the Premier League a commemorative ball to support the fight against childhood obesity, which is applauded and I think there are more institutions should join the cause, but as it is now against obesity, I know that is against ignorance. What is done against the lack of interest in class or simply go to school just because their parents send us?
HECF Here comes the first: how the hell took so long to make this operation and besides all bad answer? In my time at school gave you 5 seconds to respond and if we did not like fools we were taken apart if you answered back sent to the corner and make flat with the same operation and the correct result.
When passing the afternoon we went back to ask the same question (75 + 40) which again takes over 10 seconds to respond and now he says: 110! The kid does not happen to her that a sum involving two numbers, one ending in "0" and another that ends in "5", the result can not end in "0." Then came the second HECF. Already to finish, is absolutely amazed when I discover it functions of television and I knew that the equipment to, ask him about the Transformers movie and I know that almost all the names of the robots. Meet the television programming of cartoons, he moves up and down the Play Station and games happening much faster than I, finally, in the case of games, TV and phones, the child knows. But simple math knows absolutely nothing, which leads me to wonder: What happened to the education system in Mexico?
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