The United States began to speak of intersex in the 90's.
few years ago, the acronym Defining LGBT-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender "has become part of popular slang when talking about sexual minorities in Latin America. But a few days ago, in a public speech during the presentation of cultural calls made by the government of Colombia, the director of the Heritage Institute, Gabriel Pardo, spoke of the LGBTI community.
Rodriguez says, and in Colombia I added them to the LGBT, Argentina and Brazil was added Q, which means queer (defined as unusual in appearance or character). Transit
According to him, who holds a doctorate in visual and cultural studies, intersex "is a form of travel for pleasure", a topic about which there was talk in the early years 90 in the United States.
"We understand intersexuality as a defense of the queer. This is to destabilize the existing categories and not thinking about sexuality based on gender," says Rodriguez. The artist Paul says the BBC that the intersex "experience bodily pleasure" and stressed that this can not see it as bounded to the genital.
"The simple act of licking the feet or certain objects is part of intersexuality, Adarme adds another member of" I'm not that. "
During the interview, Rodriguez, Adarme, Leonardo Candelo and "Martha" costumes posed with "sado".
Rodriguez says that "sadomasochism is a practice of intersex, but not all are so closely related as there are other visual elements and shapes, as the worship of the feet and odors. "
For its part," Martha "he told BBC that" the fact of wearing masks allows sexuality to focus on playing a specific material such as leather , lycra, metal, rubber or latex.
And Candelo believes that "it is a mistake to believe that sexuality is a widespread, because each sex is related to the individual psyche" "I think there are so many sexual genders as human beings. "Skepticism
Some experts
look with some skepticism the subject. One is the psychologist Miguel Rueda, who teaches a course on diversity and LGBT community in the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota. According "Criticism intersex is coming to very epistemological, questionable, because when translated, people want and fits like a concept may end up being light," Rueda says the BBC.
Rodriguez agrees that the term is ambiguous, but argues that recognized and is tremendously interesting. "
He concludes that "the rarity is also an ethical and there are no homosexuals heterosexual rare rare
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