When people feel bad about themselves, are more likely to be prejudiced against people who are different. This is the shattering conclusion of a new study that seems to come to confirm an old idea of \u200b\u200bthe folk wisdom of that view on others flaws, real or imagined, it serves as consolation for our own.
Jeffrey Sherman (University of California at Davis) and Thomas Allen used the Association Test Implicit (IAT for its acronym in English) (a task designed to assess automatic reactions of people to words and / or images) to investigate the veracity of this belief.
order to expose the prejudices of the study subjects, perhaps not consciously made by them, these people were asked to observe a computer screen while she appeared in a number of positive words, negative words and images of people's faces white or color. In the first part of the test, participants were asked to press "E" to see black faces and negative words, and the key "I" to see white faces or words positive.
In the second task, the rules were reversed, so that this time the participants had to associate positive words with the faces of color, and negative words with white faces.
determine prejudice by the IAT test is quite simple: If the individual has negative thoughts about people of color, it should be harder the second task.
This should be even more so when the person feels bad about herself.
In their experiment, Sherman and Allen asked participants to answer 12 questions in difficulties which require creative thinking. No one did more than two correct answers. A about half of the participants were given the outcome of their responses to the test and were told that the average correct answers of other participants was nine, so you feel bad about themselves. The other half were told that their responses to the test would be evaluated later. Then all participants underwent the IAT test, and, as expected, those who felt bad about themselves for their test results showed further evidence be boasting prejudice against others.
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